Frequently asked questions Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is Shared Home Ownership and how does it work?

Shared Home Ownership is a more affordable way to purchase a home for you and your whānau.

Through Tāmaki Regeneration’s Shared Home Ownership Programme OWN IT, we cover around 30% of your home’s total value which means you pay less upfront with a lower deposit.

Over time, you will buy back our share until the home is 100% yours!

Our friendly team will guide you through the process to provide all the knowledge and support on your journey towards home ownership.

How much deposit do I need?

Most banks ask for at least 20% deposit, but through our OWN IT programme you’ll only need around 5% deposit to secure a home.

Because we are sharing the purchase price with you, your contribution will be much lower and can be made up of your savings, KiwiSaver or any gifted funds (koha).

We encourage you to check your KiwiSaver balance then reach out to us to talk about your options.

How much income do I need to afford an OWN IT home?

To qualify for the OWN IT programme, you will need a combined household income of $85,000 - $150,000 per year (before tax) to ensure mortgage payments are kept affordable for you.

For larger whānau living together who have a combined household income of up to $205,000 per year (before tax) we have a multi-generational option to buy a home. This can be across whānau of 6 or more members, or 2 or more family units.

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What are the benefits of buying a home through OWN IT?

  • OWN IT is designed to support your needs around where you are at in your home ownership journey.
  • You’ll only pay around 70% of the purchase price which means a lower mortgage repayment.
  • The split purchase price means a smaller deposit.
  • You’ll get regular check-ins from our friendly Household Advisors.
  • We offer full support throughout the journey and walk beside you when navigating third parties, such as banks and lawyers.
  • We support your financial capability by offering a free seven-week workshop programme.

How can I apply?

The first step is to register your interest online here, to understand if you are eligible. From there, you’ll be invited to join our free Financial Capability Workshops to learn more about buying a home, paying a mortgage, reducing debt and saving funds.

Next, we’ll help guide you through the formal application process and we’ll walk beside you every step of the way.

Our team will equip you with the knowledge and tools to become mortgage-ready, and once you’re approved, you’ll be matched with a home that best suits you and your whānau!

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What is the Financial Workshop?

Before you start your journey, we’ll put you through a FREE seven-week Financial Capability Workshop online to help you become mortgage-ready sooner.

Through these workshops, you will have access to financial mentoring to help you:

  • Check if you are eligible for the programme.
  • Prepare to apply for a mortgage.
  • Gain skills to build a financial plan for your whānau (pay off debt and save for a deposit).
  • Find out how to apply for financial help to buy your home, such as the First Home Loan.
  • Understand what OWN IT homes are available through the programme.

What if I have debt or little to no savings?

It’s normal for whānau to start their OWN IT journey with debt or little to no savings. Our financial literacy workshop will help build your confidence around money management and help you get on top of your finances.

Do you have to be a first home buyer?

Yes. You won’t be eligible if you currently own/part-own any property or have any funds from the sale of a previous property. You can apply for consideration under our “second chance” eligibility.

Do I need to have mortgage approval before applying?

No. Our Own It team will help you apply for a mortgage with one of its partner banks. We will introduce you to one of their mortgage managers who are just as passionate about helping first home buyers achieve the dream of home ownership.

So don’t stress, we’re here to help!

Homes for sale

What banks are TRC partnered with?

TRC has three banking partners that support shared ownership lending for Own It whānau - ASB, Westpac and SBS.

What homes are available through OWN IT?

We are delivering a number of housing types - duplexes, terraces and apartments. These houses will be made up of 2-5 bedrooms and you can view the location of these homes here.

We also have a new show home you can visit to see what an OWN IT home could look like for you and your whānau. One of our friendly team members will be there to talk to you about the programme and answer any questions you may have.

Viewings are by appointment, so send an email to today to book a viewing with our team.

What do you mean by having a Tāmaki Connection?

Tāmaki is a growing community and includes the suburbs of Glen Innes, Point England and Panmure. Having a Tāmaki connection could mean you live, work, or whakapapa back to the area, or you might have connections through your marae, school or church. 

So if you’re keen to make this community your home, get in touch!

How long does it normally take to own 100% of a Shared Ownership home?

On average, OWN IT home buyers take approximately 10 years to fully buy back shares from us and most whānau do this buy topping up their mortgage.

Each year our OWN IT team will meet with you to review any changes to your earnings and savings, and they’ll be able to help you apply for top-ups if it is an option.

Is there an option to purchase a home with another family member or a friend?

Yes. Tāmaki Regeneration offers support to look at options that include you being able to buy with family members or friends.

Do we have to pay interest charged on Tāmaki Regeneration’s share?

No. Tāmaki Regeneration does not charge interest.

Who is Tāmaki Regeneration?

Tāmaki Regeneration is owned by the Government and Auckland Council and works to support the regeneration of the communities of Tāmaki - Panmure, Point England and Glen Innes.

To achieve this, we’re building 10,500 new healthy homes and improving infrastructure, transport, education and employment opportunities to support the areas growth.

We’re committed to delivering quality services to our Tāmaki Housing whānau, and we’re proud to help hardworking families buy their first home through our shared home ownership programme OWN IT.

To guide our mahi, we collaborate closely with Mana Whenua, community groups, local schools and businesses to deliver our four key priorities:

  • Social (supporting Tāmaki whānau to succeed)
  • Housing (building homes and communities)
  • Economic (helping to build the local economy)
  • Placemaking (supporting local cultural identity and sense of belonging)

Can I sell my home on the open market?

Yes. As long as you offer Tāmaki Regeneration the first chance to purchase your shares from you as we may have a family ready to offer the home to. If Tāmaki Regeneration declines the offer, you may sell your home on the open market.