Pick A Name For New Streets
May 20, 2022

If you’ve spotted a little lane with a long name off Taniwha Street, Glen Innes – that’s in memory of pillar of the community Parbhubhai Makan Patel. His family has owned and run Fenchurch Liquor and Dairy for 40 years and support and sponsor dozens of local sports and community groups.
Parbhubhai Makan Lane is named after Mr Patel, who came to New Zealand as a refugee from Uganda with his wife Kashi and six children - and barely a cent to his name. He worked hard and built up the prosperous business while always caring for others. “Grandad always said, ‘Don’t forget your roots and always look out for people’,” says grandson Rupesh Patel.
Mr Patel died in 2016 aged 82, but Kashi, 84, still works in the dairy around the corner from the lane that proudly bears her husband’s name.
There are new neighbourhoods being built in Tāmaki and we need your help to name the streets. Send us your suggestions and reasons to info@tamakiregeneration.co.nz or drop into one of our offices at 244 Apirana Avenue, Glen Innes, or 149 Queens Road, Panmure.

Mr Parbhubhai Makan Patel