Integrated Transport Assessment
Check out the masterplan for the Tāmaki precinct

Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) – What is it?
The Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) helps to evaluate the impacts of large-scale developments on the existing transport network and associated transport-related issues.
The forecasted population growth in the next 15-20 years for Tāmaki is expected to quadruple to approximately 80,000 residents.
Basically, that means more homes, more people and more cars. So, how do we deal with this?
Analysing traffic movement modelling and data, a range of options have been investigated to better the way our community could move around the neighbourhood, reduce their reliance on cars and shift to other forms of movement i.e., public transport, walking, biking.
Read the full ITA proposal plan for the Larsen-Torino area here.
The Tāmaki Precinct – What is it and how does it relate to the ITA?
The Tāmaki Precinct spans an approximate area of 9km of suburban land, covering seven neighbourhoods: Glen Innes North West, Glen Innes North East, Glen Innes Central, Point England Panmure North, Panmure Central, and the Employment Precinct.
It is predominantly residential, with a significant portion owned by TRC, and includes a mix of supporting amenities such as schools, healthcare facilities, and recreational centres.
The regeneration of the Tāmaki Precinct is underpinned by the vision and objectives of the Tāmaki Precinct Masterplan (2019), which aims to foster a vibrant and inclusive community through enhanced property utilisation, town centre upgrades, and additional projects.
Over the next 15 years, the population is set to increase four times over as housing options increase. This will result in an increased demand for movement in and around Tāmaki. This growth creates a need for an improved and integrated transport network within the Tāmaki area, so the Tāmaki community can move around easily, safely and efficiently.
This has been addressed at a Tāmaki Precinct-wide level with an overarching Tāmaki Precinct Transport Management Study (PTMS) for the area.
How do the Point England and Panmure North Neighbourhoods fit into this?
The Point England Panmure North neighbourhoods are located in the middle section of the Tāmaki Precinct.
The Point England neighbourhood is bounded by Pt England Road to the north, Apirana Avenue to the west and Tripoli Road and Tuakiri Street to the south. The southern border is shared with the Panmure North neighbourhood.
The Panmure North neighbourhood is bounded by Pilkington Road to the west and a line following Stewart Avenue, Tripoli Road, Matapan Road, Coral Crescent, the southern edge of Johnson Reserve, and an arbitrary line between Dunkirk Road and the shore. The eastern boundary of both Neighbourhoods is formed by Te Wai o Taiki (Tāmaki River).
Neighbourhood redevelopment is planned to be carried out in three sequential phases:
- Phase 1 is projected to be completed by 2033.
- Phase 2, focused on the quadrangle of Tripoli Road, Pt England Road, Erima Avenue, and Pilkington Road, is set to be completed by 2036.
- Phase 3 is planned for the late 2030s.
Pīrangi, and Larsen and Torino are the two key Tāmaki Regeneration developments currently underway, within the Point England and Panmure North neighbhourhoods.
With more people and homes, there will be more cars, requiring an improved transportation system that is able to handle the anticipated future demands in a safe and sustainable manner.
What are the proposed transport interventions for the Point England and Panmre North Neighbourhoods?
The Point England Panmure North Neighbourhood Transport Management Study responds to the Tāmaki Integrated Transport Assessment and anticipates the increase in homes and people over the coming years. It addresses the increase of in-vehicle travel, and the need to shift towards sustainable modes of transportation (walking, biking, public transport etc.).
The proposed transport interventions for the PEPN neighbourhood includes (but is not limited to):
- Upgrades to existing roads.
- New road linkages to improve connectivity .
- Upgrades to and new pedestrian accessways.
- Biking initiatives and infrastructure
- A suite of traffic calming measures (modal filters, chicanes, raised kea crossings etc.).
- Mitigating tree planting to contribute to the attractiveness of our roads and streets
What are the proposed transport inverventions for the Glen Innes North-West area?
The Glen Innes North-West area is growing. As more homes are built for our growing community, we need to look at how we can move around our neighbourhood in a safe and sustainable way.
A transport study for the Glen Innes North-West area has been undertaken. To make sure the network can handlethe anticipated growth, and encourage more sustainable modes of transportation, the study proposes:
- Upgrades to existing roads, footpaths and berms.
- The construction of new roads and upgraded accessways to improve connectivity and accessibility.
- Intersection upgrades to improve safety.
- A range of traffic calming measures.
- Changes to on-street parking.
- Trees and mitigating planting to improve the quality of our roads and streets
What will this achieve?
As the population in Tāmaki is set to increase, it is important to make sure our community can move around better. This will be achieved by:
- Better Connectivity - by enhancing linkages, accessibility between people, communities, and the environment; and providing appropriate infrastructure and amenity/attractiveness for active modes and public transport users.
- Improved Road Safety - through the upgrades of safe pathways and crossings for pedestrians and cyclists, whilepromoting accessible, safe and sustainable ways of moving in and around our neighbourhoods.
- Reduced Reliance on Cars - a multi-faceted effort to encourage mode-shift travel (walking, biking etc.), frequent and high-quality public transport services, and infrastructure to enable active modal usage (better, safer pathways, safe cycle lanes, a more connected environment etc.)