Two new transitional housing site open
April 10, 2023
TRC was honoured to support the opening of twomore Transitional Housing sites in Panmure – one on the corner of Pilkington Road and Erima Avenue and the latest addition on Coates Crescent.
The new units come fully furnished to welcome whānau into short-term accommodation until a long-term home becomes available for them.
Te Huruhi Trust and Te Pera Mahi Oranga Trust will be managing each complex and providing valuable wraparound services to support each whānau to succeed.
TRC would like to thank our valued partners, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and Tāmaki Kāinga Haumaru Collective, and we acknowledge Hon Dr Megan Woods, who approved the funding for the Tāmaki transitional housing programme. Thanks also to Marama Davidson and Jenny Salesa for their continuous support as we deliver this important kaupapa for Tāmaki.