Integrated Transport Assessment - Larsen & Torino
An update on the Larsen & Torino Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA)

Read full IT Proposal for Torino, Taratoa & Taniwha here
PDF (9.88 MB)
Check out the details for the ITA proposal for Torino, Taratoa and Taniwha Streets in this PDF
Point England and Panmure North have been masterplanned for 2,860 of the 10,500 dwellings that will be delivered through the Tāmaki regeneration programme over the next two decades. As the number of dwellings rise, the transport network will need improvements to enable mode shift, accessibility, connectivity, road safety and active modes.
Kāinga Ora have undertaken a transport study to understand how the transport network can be futureproofed as Point England and Panmure North continues to grow. The study proposed the following interventions:
- Upgrades to existing roads across from housing developments, footpath widening (where necessary) and new/improved pedestrian crossing facilities.
These proposed interventions feed into a larger proposed transport network upgrade for the Tāmaki area.