Tāmaki Jobs and Skills Hub Tāmaki Jobs and Skills Hub

Tāmaki Jobs and Skills Hub


We've helped over 1000 Tāmaki locals into jobs in the past five years and we’re not stopping. We give people the skills and confidence to find their first job, or to get back into work after a break. Watch the video to meet the friendly Tāmaki Jobs and Skills Hub team, and find out how it all works. We welcome every person who walks through our doors with manaakitanga and respect, working one-on-one with people to build confidence, helping them to get job ready.

Tamaki Jobs And Skills Hub
Geraldine’s Path to Employment

Geraldine Lee-Kum was the first ever Tāmaki local we helped into a job. Alice, Manager at Tāmaki Jobs and Skills Hub, set up an interview with SaveBarn, a catering equipment company. Straight after, SaveBarn offered Geraldine a Marketing Assistant role, after months of job hunting. Over the years, Geraldine has grown in her job and still works there today.

Max’s Path to Employment

Max Leuila was the 500th Tāmaki job seeker we helped into work. Max first came to the Hub with his Tāmaki College Trades Academy class - a special programme led by the Tamaki Jobs & Skills Hub to connect high school leavers with local construction jobs. Not long after, Max started an apprenticeship with Stately Plumbing. He now has his own company vehicle and is about to become a fully qualified plumber. The Hub supported Max to complete a defensive driving course, gain his full driver’s licence, complete First Aid Course Level 1 & 2, get a Sitesafe passport, and even helped organise his emergency passport when he was chosen to travel for Habitat in Humanity.

Lee’s Path to Employment

Lee Atuahiva was the 1000th local from Tāmaki that the Hub supported into a job. Lee started his path to employment when he signed up for the Tāmaki Jobs & Skills Hub Career Start programme, after hearing about it from his older brother, who also completed the course and loved it. The Career Start programme really helped build Lee’s confidence. Over the years, Lee has returned to the Hub for support with his driver's licence and to gain new skills to apply for other jobs. Recently, Lee was offered a job with Mike Jarman Maintenance, who carry out home repair work on properties in Tāmaki.


Our team treats every person who walks through the door with aroha, regardless of background or circumstance. We’ve helped hundreds of locals into good jobs, so don’t be shy. Give us a call or pop in for a kōrero, we’d love to meet you. 

The Tāmaki Jobs & Skills Hub’s Glen Innes office is open again. Under the government’s new traffic light system, Tāmaki job seekers with vaccine passports, can attend an in-person employment support session. Those visiting the Hub must wear a mask at all times, sanitise hands on entry and keep up social distancing. For those unable to present vaccine passports, online or phone support will continue to be offered.

54 Mayfair Place
Glen Innes
Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm